Friday, February 15, 2008

French with children: Nighttime

This will be a regular feature on this blog. I hope to pass on individual vocabulary words, but also phrases and sentences. We hope to be joined soon by an expert who can teach us even more:

Goodnight: Bonne nuit
Let's go to your bedroom: Allons dans ta chambre.
pyjamas: un pyjama
Put on your pyjamas: Mets ton pyjama.
First one arm and then the other: D'abord une bras et puis l'autre.
Go pee pee: Fais pipi
Let's go to the bathroom and brush your teeth: Allons dans la salle de bains et brossons tes dents.
Climb into bed: Grimpe dans ton lit.
Give me a goodnight kiss: Fais-moi un bisou pour la nuit.
Pacifier: une sucette, une tétine, une tutute
Here, take it: Tiens, prend-la.

If you'd like to try a French lullaby, here's a link to the sound file and lyrics for one:

If you have any corrections or additions (French isn't spoken the same way everywhere!) or any requests for a future vocabulary/phrase feature, please leave a comment.

Bonne nuit!

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